A Door Into Hindi: Lesson 10

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View movie aboutमिलना

The verb मिलना has two meanings: "to meet," and "to be available."

"To meet X" = X से मिलना

मैं आप से कितने बजे मिलूँगा?

What time will I meet you?

क्या तुम मुझ से बाज़ार में मिलोगी?

Will you meet me in the bazaar?

उन को नहीं मिलना चाहिये।

They shouldn't meet.

"Y is available to X" = "X can get Y" = X को Y मिलता है।

Note that the verb मिलना agrees with Y, the thing which is available, not with the "subject" X. The "subject" X (the person to whom the thing is available) must be in the dative case. If the X is not stated, the sentence usually means that the thing is generally available.

मुझे बस कहाँ मिलेगी?

Where will the bus be available to me? = Where can I get the bus?

क्या बाज़ार में सन्तरे मिलते हैं?

Are oranges available in the bazaar? = Can one get oranges in the bazaar?

यहाँ खाना नहीं मिलता है।

Food is not available here = You can't get food here.

See Snell's Teach Yourself Hindi (2000)