Grammar Topics

» 13.1 Comparitives

» 13.4 "intention"

» 13.2 Superlatives

» 13.5 Relative Pronouns

» 13.3 To have difficulty or ease = کٹھنائی or آسانی


  13.2 Superlatives  

Likewise, Urdu doesn't have adjectival superlatives like English "best", "biggest", "fastest", "worst", etc. Instead, Hindi uses the following superlative formula:
A.Ram is the best.

رام سب سے اچھا ہے۔

(Literally: Ram is good from all.)

B.Amitabh Bachchan is the tallest.

امیتابھ بچّن سب سے لمبا ہے۔

(Literally: Amitabh Bachchan is tall from all.)

C. The Himalayan range is the highest.

ہِمالیہ سب سے اوںچا ہے۔

(Literally: The Himalayan range is high from all.)