Grammar Topics

» 13.1 Comparitives

» 13.4 "intention"

» 13.2 Superlatives

» 13.5 Relative Pronouns

» 13.3 To have difficulty or ease = کٹھنائی or آسانی


  13.3 To have difficulty or ease = کٹھنائی or آسانی   

Just like "having" other intangible things (emotions, fever, etc.), to have difficulty or ease takes the dative construction.

I have difficulty (usually) in reading Hindi.

مجھے ہندی پڑھنے میں کٹھنائی ہوتی ہے۔

I will have difficulty in reading Hindi.

مجھے ہندی پڑھنے میں مشکل (کٹھنائی) ہوگی۔

Note that the subject of the English sentence must be in dative in the Hindi sentence, and that in Urdu the verb agrees with کٹھنائی or ( مشکل or آسانی ) which is now the subject.

Also note that you should use ہوتی ہے instead of ہے because difficulty (or ease) is something that generally happens, UNLESS you are talking about having difficulty only at this specific moment.

You could also say:

For me, reading (in) Hindi is difficult.