A Door Into Hindi: Lesson 9

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To be supposed to

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Note the special way of saying "I have to go":


Subject (dative)

“+ verb (infinitive)

+ auxiliary verb




To me

to go


Note: If the verb has a direct object, the object may be in the nominative case, and the verb infinitive and auxiliary verb may agree with the direct object in gender and number. (This is a rare case when the infinitive verb changes to mark gender!!!)

Study the following examples with a feminine plural object:

"I am supposed to buy these books."

मुझको ये किताबें

ख़रीदना है।

मुझको ये किताबें

ख़रीदना हैं।

मुझको ये किताबें

ख़रीदनी हैं।

If the direct object is followed be को, however, then the infinitive and auxiliary verb must remain in masculine singular form.

मुझको इन किताबों को ख़रीदना है।

See Snell's Teach Yourself Hindi (2000)