A Door Into Hindi: Lesson 3

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Adjectives and Possesives

Many adjectives in Hindi end in , but many do not. A Hindi adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in gender and number, but only adjectives that end in can change to show agreement. Thus the adjective अच्छा changes to show agreement, but the adjective ठीक never changes.

All possessive pronouns function like adjectives ending in .

Adjective and Possesive endings

Masculine singular

Masculine plural

Feminine singular and plural


Adjective plus noun: singular

Adjective plus noun: plural

(Type 1)

अच्छा संतरा

अच्छे संतरे

(Type 2)

अच्छा फल, अच्छा आदमी

अच्छे फल, अच्छे आदमी

(Type 1)

अच्छी रोटी

अच्छी रोटियाँ

(Type 2)

अच्छी दुकान

अच्छी दुकानें


See Snell's Teach Yourself Hindi (2000)
Section 1.4 page 24